NACCU Best Marketing Campaign Award

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About the NACCU Best Marketing Campaign Award

The Best Marketing Campaign Award recognizes an institution’s use of a variety of marketing efforts to enhance their campus card’s visibility and value on campus.  


2023 nominations are closed. Watch for 2024 nomination opportunities later this year!


Award Eligibility
  • Award submissions may be self-nominated or nominated by another NACCU institutional member or by a NACCU corporate member.
  • Nominee must be a member of NACCU to be eligible.
  • A school cannot win the same award two years in a row. 
  • Awards Committee members are ineligible for this award while serving.
Nomination/Selection Criteria

Nominees may be self-nominated or nominated by another NACCU institutional member, or a NACCU corporate member. All nominees must demonstrate any or all of the following:

  • Use and integration of three or more of the following marketing efforts to promote the visibility and value of an institution's campus card program: Web; Video; Social Media; Print; Promotional Items (SWAG); Contests.
  • Demonstrated return on investment. Examples may include but are not limited to improved financials (e.g. a chart depicting growth from year to year), enhanced customer service (e.g. letters of commendation or program accolades), and the achievement of a defined department or college/university initiative.
Nomination Requirements

Nominees will submit a written document describing how the institution integrated a variety of marketing initiatives to enhance their campus card’s visibility and value on campus. Images and examples are encouraged with a maximum of three pages per submission. Submissions should be in .pdf (preferred) or .doc format.

  • Overall Marketing Strategy/Plan: What were your objectives, and how were the tools you used linked to those objectives? (Explain what you did and why you did it.)
  • Creativity: Attach pictures, documents or screenshots of the materials used in the campaign.
  • Measurable Results: Include statistics, charts or any documentation that illustrates the results of the marketing efforts.
  • Lessons learned: What worked well, and what could you improve upon next time?
Award Selection

The Marketing Award sub-committee will determine results for the award based on whether the entry meets the eligibility requirements. Each entry will be scored on a common scoring method by the full Awards Committee. The Marketing Award sub-committee will collect scoring matrixes from committee members and tally scoring to make a recommendation to the full Awards Committee. The nomination receiving top score will be the recipient recommended to the Awards Committee. 

NACCU Best Marketing Campaign Award Recipients


The University of Alabama
2023 recipient of the NACCU Best Marketing Campaign Award

The Action Card team was looking to engage incoming students to participate in Online Photo Submission and mobile card download prior to orientation and move in, increase completed student account percentage prior to move-in and find other opportunities to increase complete ACT Card set up and card usage understanding.  MORE



The University of Alabama
2021 recipient of the NACCU Best Marketing Campaign Award

“We are very honored and humbled to be the recipients of the NACCU 2021 Best Marketing Campaign Award,” said Courtney Petrizzi, Communications Specialist for the Action Card Office at The University of Alabama. “We, like many of you, have made major and permanent changes to our card office in response to the pandemic. For us, that was transitioning our campus to a Mobile-First campus. With that change came a large marketing campaign that encompassed our entire campus, so not only does this award mean a lot to our office, but it means a lot to The University of Alabama.” MORE


The University of Alabama
2019 recipient of the NACCU Best Marketing Campaign Award

To encourage implementation and participation across campus of the #ACTCardinAppleWallet mobile credential, they developed a comprehensive, well-planned marketing campaign to inform every campus community member of the new program. ACTCard was advertised on social media, and the staff held tabling events, met with campus groups, demonstrated use at orientation and developed videos, including one recorded by head football coach Nick Saban. MORE


University of Southern California
2018 recipient of the NACCU Best Marketing Campaign Award

USCard began an email and postcard program to reach new students attending one of USC’s 19 new student orientation programs. ID cards were distributed with an information-filled postcard at the Student Services Expo, where students becoming part of the Trojan family were celebrated with Instagram posts.  MORE


Texas A&M University
2017 recipient of the NACCU Best Marketing Campaign Award

Marketing the new servicer, as well as getting the large, diverse student population to sign up for direct deposit of refunds proved quite challenging. However, the potential cost associated with students receiving paper checks gave the staff the incentive to develop a successful marketing campaign to achieve its goal. They had a very measurable campaign that ended up exceeding their initial goal, and as of January 2017 had hit over 85% penetration. MORE



2016: York University

2015: Florida SouthWestern State College

2014: Ryerson University

2013: University of Alberta

2012: Sam Houston State University

2011: Carleton College

2010: 1st: Carleton University 2nd: University of Alabama 3rd: University of Minnesota Twin Cities

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