Monica Seko

Your NACCU Volunteers,

Meet Your NACCU Volunteers:
Monica Seko

This is the latest installment of the NACCU series highlighting our association volunteers. NACCU provides programs and services to our members, many which would not be possible without the dedication and commitment of our volunteer leaders. Volunteers, whether they are a committee member, a Board member, or an onsite volunteer at a conference, are all important in making NACCU volunteer-driven programs an exceptional experience for our card industry peers. 

Campus Card Information:

Name: Monica Seko
School: DeSales University
Volunteer Role: Technology Research Committee

Where was the first NACCU conference you attended?

My first conference was to be in Spring 2020 before COVID, so I have not had the opportunity to attend a conference just yet.

What is your favo(u)rite thing about volunteering with your NACCU committee?

My favorite thing about volunteering with my NACCU committee is that I get to hear other institutions' struggles and accomplishments, especially with technology during challenging times.

What show are you binge-watching right now?

I am currently binge-watching Quantico on Netflix.

What is your go-to coffee / tea order?

My go-to order is a Dunkin coffee with raspberry and vanilla shots, cream, and sugar.

What is your favo(u)rite memory from when you were a student?

My favorite memory was the amount of friends and experience I gained while pursuing my goal!

What is one thing that would surprise people about you?

I worked in the paint business for years, and still paint interior rooms of homes for people in my "spare time".

What are your plans for the holidays given the COVID-19 pandemic?

For the holidays, I look forward to some much needed downtime with my immediate family and some close friends because most of my time has been spent working since COVID-19 started back in March.

We hope you have enjoyed learning about Monica! Please look for a new edition of "Meet Your NACCU Volunteers" soon.