Joann Wright

Your NACCU Volunteers,

Meet Your NACCU Volunteers:
Joann Wright

This is the latest installment of the NACCU series highlighting our association volunteers. NACCU provides programs and services to our members, many which would not be possible without the dedication and commitment of our volunteer leaders. Volunteers, whether they are a committee member, a Board member, or an onsite volunteer at a conference, are all important in making NACCU volunteer-driven programs an exceptional experience for our card industry peers. 

Campus Card Information:

Name: Joann Wright
School: Texas Tech University
Volunteer Role: Awards Committee Chair

What is your role at your institution?

I serve as the Unit Manager of the RaiderCard Office.

Where was the first NACCU conference you attended?

My first conference was in 2015 in New Orleans.

What is your favo(u)rite thing about volunteering with your NACCU committee?

I really enjoy being part of a group that cares about celebrating and showcasing our colleagues! During our last in-person conference, I really had fun helping to staff the awards table and get to see everyone voting on Best Card Design and Best Video awards.

What show are you binge-watching right now?

So I am usually stuck watching what my young kids want to watch, but the last thing I binged for me was Bridgerton - SO good!

What is your go-to coffee / tea order?

I prefer unsweet iced tea with lemon.

What is your favo(u)rite memory from when you were a student?

I loved being in band and getting to hang with my friends and travel for our annual band trips! I met my husband at college. I really hope my kids are "band nerds" too!

What is one thing that would surprise people about you?

Some of my previous jobs have been at funeral homes, Coors Brewery, and a company that planned high school reunions.

What is the next place to travel on your bucket list?

There are still so many places in Texas that I would like to see, so I hope some local road trips are in my future. But my dream travel destination is to England because I am slightly obsessed with the British royal family.

We hope you have enjoyed learning about Joann! Please look for a new edition of "Meet Your NACCU Volunteers" soon.