Connections, Kindness and the Case for Getting Engaged With NACCU

Posted By: Joshua J Bodnar M.Ed. Positive IDentity Blog,

Positive IDentity Blog:

Connections, Kindness and the Case for Getting Engaged With NACCU

Contributed by Josh Bodnar, Director of BuckID, The Ohio State University

If you ask any long-term NACCU member (and probably even many newer members) why they love our association and keep coming back, one of the answers you are likely to hear over and over again is that they love the connections that we build with each other and the unique way that we come together to support each other. Said another way, NACCU is made up of hundreds of kind people who frequently reach out, build connections, and lend a hand – and that is what makes it special.

We can all probably provide countless examples of where the kindness culture of NACCU has helped us professionally. Whether it be gathering information to solve a tough problem through the listserv, a one-on-one conversation with a colleague to troubleshoot something, or a timely presentation or webinar that helps us to see something from a new perspective. Beyond these professional interactions, I’m sure we can also provide examples of where a NACCU friend has impacted our life personally through a kind word or action that had nothing to do with our “day jobs” as well!

The good news about kindness is that it is not just good for the recipient – but for the person showing kindness as well. New research out of Ohio State published in the Journal of Positive Psychology indicates that showing kindness to others can be a powerful tool for improving one's own well-being and helping to combat depression and anxiety. This research was recently featured on the Today Show and the story shows some insights into how effective being kind can be on lifting our own mood. 

With all that in mind, I encourage each of you to think of how you can personally contribute to fostering and growing our culture of kindness, connection, and support within NACCU (and outside of it, too!) In addition to making someone else’s day, you might just end up making your own in the process!

Here are some ways you can contribute to this NACCU culture that we all enjoy and benefit from:

• Consider volunteering to serve on a NACCU committee

• Reach out to a colleague on the listserv to help them solve a problem

• Think about presenting at a future NACCU event to share your knowledge and perspectives

• Attend the conference and build meaningful connections within the industry

• Volunteer at the conference and help make it a success (watch for a link to sign up)

• Recognize the contributions of others and show your gratitude to them

• Nominate a deserving colleague for a NACCU award during the annual awards process

Kindness does not have to be a grand gesture – a simple thank you note, phone call or small act is all it takes to share the benefit of kindness and experience the positive effects for yourself. #BeKind

If you are interested in finding out more about Ohio State’s kindness efforts, check out