Meet your NACCU Volunteers: Nick Sweeton

Your NACCU Volunteers,
Meet your NACCU Volunteers:
Nick Sweeton

This is the latest installment of the NACCU series highlighting our association volunteers. NACCU provides programs and services to our members, many which would not be possible without the dedication and commitment of our volunteer leaders. Volunteers, whether they are a committee member, a Board member, or an onsite volunteer at a conference, are all important in making NACCU volunteer-driven programs an exceptional experience for our card industry peers.

Campus Card Information

Name: Nick Sweeton

School: Colorado State University

Volunteer Role: Professional Development Committee

What is your role at your institution?

My role is Associate Executive Director of Housing & Dining Services at Colorado State University. My portfolio includes the RamCard Office.

Where was the first NACCU conference you attended held?

My first NACCU event was the Data Summit in Pittsburgh in June 2022. I LOVED IT! I learned a new skill that I was able to apply to my practice... and that experience got me hooked on NACCU! I am registered for the conference in Austin in April - which will be my first NACCU annual conference.

What is your favo(u)rite thing about volunteering with your NACCU committee?

I enjoy meeting new people and hearing about what is happening on different campuses. We all experience similar operational issues - I like hearing about all the creative ways colleagues at other campuses are solving problems and engaging in their work.

What show are you binge-watching right now?

House of the Dragon... such a great show! I also binge-watch seasons of Survivor.

What is your go-to coffee or tea order?

Honey Almond Milk Flat White with an extra shot (I love my caffeine!)

What is your favo(u)rite memory from when you were a student?

A couple friends and I facilitated a really elaborate practical joke that executed flawlessly when I was an undergraduate... too long of a story to write here but if you see me at the annual conference in April, ask me about it. I love telling the story!

What is one thing that would surprise people about you?

I am really into politics - not the sensationalized version of politics we see on cable channels or in our social media feeds - but the spaces where people with different ideologies come together to hash out a compromise on the issues of the day (if you like this, too, check out the podcast Left, Right, and Center.) I think ideological diversity is a beautiful expression of humanity, and I lament that everything has become so polarized.

If you had to eat one meal everyday for the rest of your life, what would it be?

Kind of basic, but I love the pizza slices at Whole Foods - so yummy!

We hope you enjoyed learning a little about Nick! Please look for a new edition of "Meet Your NACCU Volunteers" soon.