Scam Alert
Do not interact with emails received from third parties.
NACCU 2024
Covington, KY • April 14-17, 2024
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Scam Alert: Hotel and Attendee List Notices
Events like the NACCU Annual Conference are often targeted by third-party companies. It is important to only respond to event emails that originate from NACCU. Please report any unauthorized emails to NACCU. Save the email so you can forward it to us following your report.
In addition to the emails, there are now unauthorized calls being made to exhibitors. These calls do not originate from NACCU and should be ignored and blocked.
Hotel Room Reservations
NACCU makes contracts with event hotels to ensure our attendees and exhibitors receive fair rates and to guarantee your reservations. You may receive emails from third parties trying to mislead you into booking reservations through their companies.
You may also receive emails or calls from third parties trying to mislead you into booking hotel reservations through their companies. As an exhibitor, please be aware that solicitation of hotel reservations from any company other than NACCU is not approved. Please only book through the PassKey link provided on our website.
Reservations made by unaffiliated organizations may appear to have lower rates, however they may be illegitimate, not have the rooms to sell, have unreasonable cancellation or change penalties, not include perks or services packaged with your NACCU reservation, be completely non-refundable, or be an attempt to steal your credit card or personal information. Please only book through links provided directly by NACCU in email or on the NACCU website.
Attendee Lists
We are dedicated to ensuring the privacy of your data. As an event participant, to facilitate networking with colleagues, we include your name, title, and organization in the event mobile app, unless you opt out of sharing this information during the registration process. We also allow you to opt-in to share your contact information with exhibitors during the registration process, so that you can receive event invitations, booth promotions, prize drawings, and offers from our exhibitors. This information is only accessible by registered conference participants.
NACCU does not sell lists or email addresses to third parties or condone the harvesting of our attendee lists. We encourage you to reject all offers you may receive to purchase such a list, as the information provided will not be provided by NACCU and will be inaccurate, or the third party may intend to steal your credit card or personal information.
For more information on what data we collect, why we collect it, and how we protect it, please view our Privacy Policy.
The following is a real-life example of a scam email received prior to a past conference.
Note the use of the NACCU conference branding and a font similar to that found in NACCU emails.
Please report any illegitimate emails to us.